[accordion openfirst=true]

[accordion-item title=”LTR to A4″ state=open]

  1. Put in the IP address of the copier into the browser
  2. Enter the administrator password
  3. Go to settings/ registration
  4. Go to printer and then tick paper override[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Copier and driver default” state=open]

  1. To change the driver defaults go to control panel and then device and printers right click the printer and then printer properties
  2. Go to advanced across the top and then printing defaults
  3. Make all the changed needed and then click apply then ok[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Setup Scanning” state=open]

  1. Enter the IP address of the printer into the top address bar of your browser and login as administrator
  2. Go to address book and find the one touch address book
  3. Click a unregistered entry
  4. Enter all of your scan folder details including your windows logon username and password and then okay and logout
  1. On the canon go to menu and then set destination
  2. Register one-touch select empty box
  3. Press file and then name the box
  4. Got to browse and the navigate through the folder to your scans folder entering the username and password where needed
  5. Then ok and it should be saved as one touch button[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Scanning stopped” state=open]Have you changed your password?

  1. Put in the IP address of the copier into your browser
  2. Enter the administrator password
  3. Go to address book
  4. Find your address book entry
  5. Click edit…
  6. Then select change password and put in your new password

Have you recently upgraded to windows 10 or done any upgrades?

  1. In the Bottom right next to the clock there should be a WIFI symbol or a computer screen with a box in the top left
  2. Right click that and go to open network and sharing centre
  3. Go to advanced sharing
  4. Go through all of the tick boxes and make sure that they are all the fist option apart from the password protected sharing which needs to be turned off[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Changing Network Settings” state=closed]

  1. Put in the IP address of the copier into your browser
  2. Enter the administrator username and password
  3. Go to settings/registration
  4. Network settings
  5. Then change any of the details and ok
  6. Then restart the device[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Setup Mailboxes” state=closed]

  1. Enter the IP address into the top address bar of your browser and the login as administrator
  2. Go to access received/ stored files and select a box number that doesn’t have a name
  3. When printing go to properties and change the output method  to store
  4. You will then get a box that will ask what box you want to store your file into[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Department ID Counter” state=closed]

  1. Enter the IP address of the photocopier into the top address bar of your browser
  2. Enter the administrator password then go to settings/registration
  3. Go to store/access files and then memory media settings
  4. The tick the box for both use scan function and use print function[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Department ID Counter” state=closed]Setup department Ids unfortunately there won’t be a guide on this as takes a long time to configure and for everyone it would be setup slightly different

  1. Enter the IP address of the copier into the top address bar of your browser and then login as administrator
  2. Go to settings/registration and then user management and department id management
  3. You should then see all of the counters for each user name[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”USB Printing” state=closed]

  1. Enter the IP address of the photocopier into the top address bar of your browser
  2. Enter the administrator password then go to settings/registration
  3. Go to store/access files and then memory media settings
  4. The tick the box for both use scan function and use print function[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Find IP Address” state=closed]

  1. Go to control panel and then deice and printers
  2. Right click the printer and then go to printer properties
  3. Go to ports across the top
  4. The IP is then the one that is highlighted blue[/accordion-item]






BAYtek Office Solutions Ltd

BAYtek House
Unit 25/26 Daneheath Business Park
Wentworth Road
Heathfield Industrial Estate
Newton Abbot
TQ12 6TL
Tel: 01626 833139
Email: enquiries@baytek.co.uk